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Work for self-isolation or school closure



Children and young people aged 18 years and under who have a positive test result


It is not recommended that children and young people are tested for COVID-19 unless directed to by a health professional.


If a child or young person has a positive COVID-19 test result they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test, if they can. After 3 days, if they feel well and do not have a high temperature, the risk of passing the infection on to others is much lower. This is because children and young people tend to be infectious to other people for less time than adults.


Children and young people who usually go to school, college or childcare and who live with someone who has a positive COVID-19 test result should continue to attend as normal.



Day 1 of self isolation

On day one of the child not being in school please use the school website page under the children tab work for self isolation.

Suggested timetable:


30-60 minutes

Timestables Rockstars / Numbots 

English writing

30-60 minutes

Chose an activity from Pobble 365

English reading

30-60 minutes

Read your school reading book and take a quiz on Accelerated Reader or read an online story using myON


30-90 minutes

Chose from the list of foundation resources.


Day 2 of self isolation

Work will be set on Seesaw or Oak Academy inline with what the children are covering in school.

If you require any assistance with how to log on please follow the instructions on the school website under the children tab Seesaw.

For any other queries please contact the school office.



Why Seesaw?

We want to ensure our remote education is high quality and aligns with the in-school provision.

Year 6 pupils, families and teachers found it highly effective during lockdown in March 2020.

Teachers are able to easily set remote, high quality education.

It give pupils the opportunity to get feedback on their work from adults at school.

It allows children to access a broad and ambitious curriculum.

Pupils can complete work online and work does not need to be printed out.

It is easy to use and can be accessed on any internet enabled device.

We plan to ensure pupils educated at home have the support they need to master the curriculum and make good progress.


What will the work look like on Seesaw?

One of the benefits of Seesaw is that teachers can set a variety of tasks and are able to show videos, talk over texts and set online worksheets to complete.

The work will be integrated to be the same as work that is completed in school and matches the schools curriculum planning. 


What if we don’t have internet access or a suitable device?

Please speak to your child’s class teacher or member of the office staff.


What else will Seesaw be used for?

Each year group will utilise Seesaw slightly differently and this will be communicated by your child’s teacher.

Seesaw can be used to document a pupils school work virtually, however we will be using it predominantly for home learning and homework. 


How will children learn how to use Seesaw?

We will show children in school how to use Seesaw and also send more information home as appropriate.

For more information please visit the Seesaw website.


How to I find out my child's class code? 

Contact your child's class teacher or the school office.  





30-60 minutes of TimesTables Rockstars. Little and often spread out through the day. Children should have their logins, contact the school if your child does not have a login.


30-60 minutes of Numbots. Little and often spread out through the day. Children should have their logins, contact the school if your child does not have a login. 

NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families.


50 Arithmetic tests with answers suitable for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils


Other website for maths


Hit the button

Top marks maths games

Placing numbers on a number line game

Identifying numbers game
White Rose maths – problem of the day



30-60 minutes of reading and Accelerated Reader quizzes. Little and often spread out through the day. If you do not have a reading book please use the following link.

Sign In - myON®


Write a book review for your current or favourite book using the template below.

Listen to an audiobook. There are lots of fiction and non-fiction texts.

Listen to an audiobook from Audible. All  stories are free to stream on desktops, laptops, phones or tables.



Using a picture from Pobble 365 picture complete the writing activities. Click the small arrow to see the activities. There are different pictures to scroll through using the left and right arrows.


Practise spellings using Spellingshed


Need inspiration for a story? Use this interactive, random picture generator to start a 100 word pocket story




Practical science experiments to do at home

The Great Bug Hunt

A parent from Courthouse runs Wild Maidenhead who are running a free wildlife friendly garden award scheme find out more here. Please see the flyer at the bottom of the page.



Complete the capital cities quiz but don't look at the answers on the last page


A family guide to Earth Hour 2020 from the WWF. Earth Hour is the moment every year when millions unite around the world to show they care about the future of our planet. This year’s theme is about our connection to nature and we've got 18 fun and creative suggestions that you can do at home.,10TGV,30SGKA,3VYOO,1


This interactive countries quiz is great for learning the countries of Europe. At the bottom of the page there are similar quizzes for other continents and flags of the world.


Primary age geography activities such as weather mapping and scavenger hunts,SEE,K49B7,2NZL,1


WWF activities online


Find out about the top ten garden birds from the big garden bird watch


National Geographic joys of spring



Take a virtual tour of a museum



Learn to draw with award winning, official World Book Day author/illustrator, Rob Biddulph

Learn to draw with author Sarah McIntyre

Take a virtual tour around some of the most famous museums in the world




Complete a workout from The Body Coach. Remember to do this safely. 

Complete an activity from the Get Set Tokyo 2020 team.

Take part in a GoNoodle Good Energy task, there's dance, yoga, mindfulness, drama and reading activities.

At school we follow Real P.E and the children will be familiar with the scheme. There are 12 themed areas with a programme specifically for each year group with over 250 challenges and 1000s of hours of activities. The school login is and the password will be send out on the daily update newsletter 25.03.2020

A huge range of P.E activities including Zumba, Pilates and many more

MoveCrew P.E activities




Practise touch typing

Practise programming with Scratch



Using Languagenut to practise what you have been learning in French. School login: courthousejunior and the password will be sent via email to parents


General activities 

There are thousands of free resources here

There are various other activities available here,584,037,589,000

Kindness activities from The Red Cross

A Kid's Guide to Feeling Lonely book - Free Ebook

Take a virtual look around Chester Zoo



Healthy Minds Online Relaxation Sessions

This social story will help children understand what is happening
