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Our curriculum intent for computing is that every child will: 

  • know how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly,
  • understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science and
  • gain practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve problems.


Courthouse is committed to ensuring all children have full access to a high-quality computing education. We have a range of excellent resources to support children in their learning across the whole curriculum as well as in their discrete computing lessons. We have a dedicated ICT Suite which each class is timetabled to use each week. In addition, the school also makes use of shared resources such as iPads, laptops and android tablets which can be used within lessons or as part of group work.


The Courthouse Curriculum is largely focused around 3 key areas:

  • Computer Science: understanding how computers work.
  • Digital Literacy: how to use computers effectively and safely.
  • Information technology : what computers can do.

