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Throughout lockdown we produced home learning packs for year 3,4 and 5 children and year 6 children used the Seesaw app. From September, all year groups will have access to Seesaw. In the event of another lockdown or if your child is not able to come into school, home learning will be set via the app. We will also begin to use Seesaw for children to complete homework.


Why Seesaw?

We want to ensure our remote education is high quality and aligns with the in-school provision.

Year 6 pupils, families and teachers found it highly effective during lockdown.

Teachers are able to easily set remote, high quality education.

It give pupils the opportunity to get feedback on their work from adults at school.

It allows children to access a broad and ambitious curriculum.

Pupils can complete work online and work does not need to be printed out.

It is easy to use and can be accessed on any internet enabled device.

We plan to ensure pupils educated at home have the support they need to master the curriculum and make good progress.


What will the work look like on Seesaw?

One of the benefits of Seesaw is that teachers can set a variety of tasks and are able to show videos, talk over texts and set online worksheets to complete.

The work will be integrated to be the same as work that is completed in school and matches the schools curriculum planning. 


What if we don’t have internet access or a suitable device?

Please speak to your child’s class teacher or member of the office staff.


What else will Seesaw be used for?

Each year group will utilise Seesaw slightly differently and this will be communicated by your child’s teacher.

Seesaw can be used to document a pupils school work virtually, however we will be using it predominantly for home learning and homework. 


How will children learn how to use Seesaw?

We will show children in school how to use Seesaw and also send more information home as appropriate.

For more information please visit the Seesaw website.


How to I find out my child's class code? 

Contact your child's class teacher or the school office.

How to log on to Seesaw

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You can download the Seesaw app free from any app store.
The children will be given their unique code in school. If you do not know your unique code please contact the school office.

How to access and complete work on Seesaw

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Seesaw App Guide

A guide on how to use/download the Seesaw app so you can access your child's work

Seesaw Tutorial For Students

Seesaw tutorial for students using home learning codes.
