School Logo


Thank you for thinking of Courthouse! 

We are always pleased to welcome prospective parents and their children in to school.  One of the team will show you why we are a good school choice and what we have to offer. Tours of the school are held in the Autumn term leading up to the application deadline in January, so please contact the school office if you would like to visit. 


What if we live out of catchment?

Not to worry!  Never assume that you won't get a place.  Talk to admissions...


When can my child start? 

Children are usually admitted to Courthouse Junior School in the September following their 7th birthday but we also admit children from other schools at different points in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 or Year 6 (called an in-year transfer). 


How can I secure a place at Courthouse? 

All admissions, whether they are a for a place in September or an in-year transfer, are dealt with by the admission team at the Town Hall.  They coordinate admissions through a single application process, sharing information and, at the end of the process, send a single letter offering a place.  Visit their website to apply. 


Admissions criteria 

The demand for places at Royal Borough schools means that the local authority must operate admissions criteria to ensure the allocation of places in fair, objective and for the benefit of all children.  If your child has an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), and requests a particular school, they are required to be admitted to that named school.  For all other applicants, the following criteria will be applied.  They are set out in descending order of priority: 

  1. Children who are looked after (in the care of the local authority). 

  2. Children with exceptional social and medical needs (the reasons can apply to the child or the family). 

  3. Children who attend Alwyn. 

  4. Children who have a sibling at Alwyn or Courthouse and who live in the designated appropriate area of the school. 

  5. Children who live in the designated appropriate area of the school. Please refer to the map below. 

  6. Children who have a sibling at Alwyn or Courthouse. 

  7. Children of a staff member. 

  8. Children whose parents have any other reasons for their choice. 


The Alwyn and Courthouse Federation 

Alwyn Infant School and Courthouse Junior School are part of the same federation, sharing one leadership team and governing board. For junior school applications to Courthouse, attendance at Alwyn Infant School is given a higher priority and siblings refer to children in both schools.  Parents of children in Year 2 must still apply for their child to transfer to a junior school place.  


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 

We treat and teach every child equally.  In the case of a child with a SEN or disability, it is essential that the school is informed as soon as possible in order that any arrangements needed to provide appropriate support can be in place upon school entry.  This support may range from a class teacher receiving advice from an expert in the field to substantial one to one help in the classroom.  Contact the school office to arrange to meet the Inclusion Leader who will happily discuss how Courthouse can meet your child's needs. 

Information Evening and Open Morning
